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JUDE 1:9

But even Michael, one of the mightiest of the angels, did not dare accuse the devil of blasphemy, but simply said, “The Lord rebuke you!”

This took place during an argument, and we can learn from it.

EVERYTHING in the bible is for us to learn from. Michael and Lucifer before Satan fell were both part of God’s highest leadership in heaven. I personally think that Michael, who understood authority, respected their previous partnership and refused to accuse Satan out of respect and honor to the Lord. He knew that even as the mightiest of the angels, God even fought his battles to an extent. Michael respected the word of God, and put it into the hands of God stating, “The Lord rebuke you.”

We so often are so eager for God to avenge us, but can I remind you of one thing? Even Jesus is awaiting the fullness of his vengeance. So why do you think your full vengeance needs to come now. What if God doesn’t avenge you until that person sees you standing beside Jesus on the final judgment day? What if the person you so eagerly want to bow their knee doesn't do it until they bow it before Jesus himself? What if your vengeance is his? It says that in Romans 12:19. Have you given Him your vengeance? Maybe that’s why He hasn’t avenged you yet?

I hear people say, “when they apologize….” WHAT? Who are you? God?

What if they don’t? What if they repented to God and never apologized to you personally?

We have got to crucify our pride.

I’ve had many people say things that weren’t nice, but I ALWAYS tell God when I talk to Him about it, “Lord please just make sure they repent to you.” Then usually after a while I’ll have a dream of them being nice to me, hugging me, or something like that, and when I wake up I know they have made it right with God. THAT’S ALL I NEED! It’s not about us, it’s about them and God.

Let the Lord rebuke them, and pray for them to apologize to God, not you.

We are so quick to expose, but what if God exposed YOU? His word says you reap what you sow, so don’t be so quick to expose people because you will also reap exposure.

Michael knew the Lord had rebuked Satan when he was cast down as lightening, which is why he could make such a bold statement. So many times, we haven’t heard the rebuke of the Lord for that person, it’s just our own opinion from a place of pride, so we rebuke in our name and not the name of the Lord.

The greatest commandment is to love our neighbor as ourselves. That should be the first step. His word also says to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. We really need to actually apply the scripture and not just read it.

I have only personally rebuked in the name of the Lord once, and the rebuke actually snatched the person back to their right conscience. I wasn’t rebuking the person but the enemy in which she was being controlled by. It wasn’t in my own strength, I was simply taken over by the spirit of God, and did I mention that it was a FACE TO FACE. Face to face should ALWAYS be your FIRST step. Go to the person, because more than likely it’s just a lack of understanding on where they are coming from.

Leaders let’s get our focus back on God’s people and off trying to prove ourselves right. Guess what? None of us are all the way there. Everyone is still learning, everyone is still in and out of the fire, everyone is still on their journey to the fullness of their salvation. The day Jesus comes back, and you hear “job well done my good and faithful servant” standing at His side, then you can say, “I HAVE ARRIVED.”

In a dream a few nights ago I had the Lord tell me, “With correction, you also need grace and mercy, YOU MUST have all three together to correct.”

A lot of us have CORRECTION but lack GRACE and MERCY.

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