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Who May Ascend

Psalms 15:1-5

“Who may worship in your sanctuary, Lord?

Who may enter your presence on your holy hill?

So many people have a hard time entering into worship. I know I did at first. Every time I sat in my prayer closet, it was like a brick wall was before me. The more I pressed into holiness the closer I got to His voice and His presence, but I'll say it was tough at first. I had to go through a cleansing process by seeking His face before I could hear that still small voice of My Father.

I LOVE THIS SCRIPTURE because it confirms that His presence is precious, and NOT EVERYONE CAN ENTER IT just any ole way.

Psalms 24:3-4 also says, Who may climb the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place? ONLY those whose hands and hearts are pure, who do not worship idols and never tell lies.

The cross tore the veil, or unlocked the door, but you still must take your shoes off to walk through the door. Not everything can go in with you. Here is a list of requirements given in Psalms 15…..

- Those who lead blameless lives and do what is right.

According to His word.

- Those who speak the truth from sincere hearts.

Not just speaking truth, but the posture of the heart must be rooted in LOVE. The posture of the heart is discerned from the words that come out of our mouths. The words that aren’t hiding behind and around scripture. Even Satan used scripture, but the SPIRIT OF TRUTH wasn’t present because his heart posture wasn’t right. Pay attention to what people say in the detail words. The references they make, or the natural stories they tell. That’s where the true posture of the heart is revealed. The enemy will ALWAYS reveal himself in the details because he is full of pride, and actually wants to be seen. He is just REALLY REALLY good at hiding and covering himself up.

-Those who refuse to gossip or harm their neighbors or speak evil of their friends.

E shoe ba ba....that’s one for us all. What are we saying when people aren’t around? Can we still speak with holy lips when the person isn’t in the room? If our lips are unclean, do you think the Lord wants to kiss us with His voice and the words from His mouth, absolutely not. He is holy. We have to ask ourselves, why am I sharing this? To build them up or are we partnering with gossip and tearing them down? When we gossip, we bring life to something that really needs to die. Are you putting things to death by not sharing them, or are you giving them MORE POWER by sharing them and carrying on the curse? ALWAYS ask yourself, WHY AM I SHARING THIS? HOW DOES IT BRING LIFE TO THE PERSON?

-Those who despise flagrant sinners,

As Christians we can see things that we know God hates when it’s in our face, but can I ask this? What does your despise look like? Do you get all worked up and start condemning, judging, and throw shame all over them, or do you simply respond as Jesus did? Lord forgive them for they know not what they do and under your breath take authority and give the enemy his eviction notice of “loose them in the name of Jesus” and walk away with a smile because you know they were bound and now will receive freedom as the Holy Spirit begins to work in their life to fulfill the command you gave through the authority in the name of Jesus Christ.

-Those who honor the faithful followers of the Lord.

I would encourage you to ask the Lord what honor looks like for you. So many people miss what it looks like to honor someone. Sometimes it's just simply being silent. Sometimes it’s doing what you know is the opposite of what the Lord told you because through honoring your spouse the Lord will fulfill the word He gave you. Sometimes its keeping your word. Honor isn't bowing down to man.

-Those who keep their promises even when it hurts.

Do you know that people in the past would give their word, shake hands, and that was enough. It blows my mind these days how many people say something, and never do what they said. They don’t keep their word. Words created the world, and we take them lightly, but your words are the most powerful thing you have. They bring life or death. If your not going to do it, don't say it, period. I remember a time when I told someone I was going to bring a dessert to a event, and I lost track of time, and had the thought "it'll be ok if I don't make it." Immediately the Lord said, "did you give her your word? If you have to get up early, go to the store and get the ingredients, whatever it takes, KEEP YOUR WORD." If you can't keep it in the little things, you won't keep it in the big things.  

-Those who lend money without charging interest.

His word says to give with a heart of gladness. If you grudgingly give, you might as well just keep it because you just cancelled your blessing because of the posture of your heart. Keep it and let Him convict you, so He can give you another chance to give it freely with a heart of gladness so you get the blessing He wants to give you.

-Those who cannot be bribed to lie about the innocent.

Don't partner with this. If you don't know 100% for yourself, just don't entertain this. Don't fall into the trap of the vessels the enemy uses to bind you. See his tactics, and give no place to the devil.

Finally He says in verse 5..........


It's time the church goes through a self evaluation. We should be self evaluating DAILY.

1 Corinthians 11:31 but if we would examine ourselves, we would not be judged by God in this way.

In my house we take communion DAILY, why? Well because in the bible they did, and it's my example. Also because it says that those who take it in a unworthy manner will face God's judgement upon themselves. I know I'm different, but I want to be judged by the Lord if there is anything in my heart that is not holy.

Let's observe the commandments of the Lord and obey them ALL so that we can enter into His presence, His holy hill and worship Him with CLEAN HANDS and a PURE HEART.

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